Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Assignment #9


There is a moment when some people just feel that there is a big fight, a big fight is happening inside of theirselves, between the two sides thatmight some people in this world have them. They will be just lost, between what they really want to do to their selves, and what do the world, wants they to do, and even more, they will be wondering, why are they doing that after all?! What is the reason of being here after all?! Perhaps, this kind of feeling is what transgender feel. 

What does transgender mean?

Most commonly used as an umbrella term for someone whose selfidentification or expression challenges traditional notions of “male” and “female.” Transgender people include transsexuals, crossdressers, drag queens and kings, genderqueers, and others who cross traditional gender categories. Brett Genny Beemyn

In other words, they are entrapped in the body of the opposite sex in their soul, apparently or sexually. Many speculations has assumedon why some people become transgenderAnd the result is no one knows the actual reasons for sure, even the transgender itself. While they are caused by some hormonal or genetic factors, others favor environmental factorsMany experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences, and experiences later in adolescence or adulthood may all contribute to the development of transgender identities. Transgender come from all levels of life, races, believe, and economic backgrounds. The phenomenon has happened since many years ago in some cultures until the present day.

“As a child I liked to play with girls, play dolls, and play girl’s stuffs, and I'm comfortable. But perhaps that is not what caused me to be a transgender.” - Olivia Sonya Aresta

It is clear that there are people who are aware that they are transgender from their earliest memories. Many transgender feel that their gender identity is an innate part of them, an integral part of who they were born to be. Some can explore their transgender identities andremember to their earliest memories, perhaps in their childhood because the phenomena occur in random age to a transgender. Others begin to explore and experience their strange attitudes, feeling and behaviors during growth. Some accept their strange feeling, while others struggle with confusion feeling. They possible have strange feelings of not suit with people of their own sex or specific wishes to be something other than their own sex. Then there are people who feel that everyone has a right to choose whatever gender presentation feels best to that individual. People should have the freedom to express themselves in whatever way is right for them.

Transgender is matter of personality and sexuality. For many necessity to transgender becomes a part of the self, they are attempt to express their feeling, want, and certain passion. Parents should be concerned about their children who appear in a strange attitude opposite to their own sex for many reasons. It is not good to coerce the child to act in a more gender conforming way. As human being, people in all walks of life have their right to be their self in gender conforming or gender unconforming way as long as they can live their life in a good way.

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