Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Feature Article

Merapi in Memory

Nowadays, there are many incidental disasters come along people. It is damaging many stuffs and even destroying many vilages and regions. This would be a review about how huge merapi eruption impacted to people and other creatures surrounds it.
Merapi is a volcano which is almost most frequently erups. Type of merapi eruption can be categorized as a type of weak Vulkanian. Another type, Plinian (eg eruption of Vesuvius in 79) is a type of eruption vulkanian with a very strong power. Merapi Eruption however not so explosive, but  pyroclastic flows almost always occur in every eruption. Visually activity of Merapi eruption seen through a long process since it began with the formation of a lava dome, and awanpanas incandescent lava (pyroclastic flow).
Merapi volcano almost erupts frequently. As of June 2006, the eruption has recorded 85 times. Merapi also had the longest period of rest for > 30 years, especially in the early days of its existence as a volcano. In the early 16th century, merapi’s activity was well-recorded. At these times it is proved that merapi had ever reached the longest break ever for 71 years, between 1587 until 1658.
The previous explosion occurred on October 2010. It happened in stages and reached the huge explosion on October, 26 2010 so that covered some city such as Yogyakarta, Magelang, Solo, etc. “In the beginning, Merapi’s ashes did not reach Yogyakarta city area, but when the biggest explosion occurred, all areas in this city were covered with ashes completely.” Inorda stated, a college student of Gadjah Mada University.
She admitted that Merapi’s eruption was coincided with the mid-term exam in her college. “When I was studied for my mid-term exam at middle night, suddenly there was a strange sound on my boarding house’s roof. I guessed that it was ice rain, but I was wrong. The truth, it was pebbles which were fell from Merapi Mountain.”
Fortunately, her college gave wise policy to all students as well as staff due to the disaster. “At that time, I completely confused between I had to stay in Yogyakarta for my mid-term exam or I’d better to go home in Ngawi. Luckily, there was a surprise announcement from my University that all classes were left officially for a week. I directly packed my clothes in a rush and went to home by motor cycle with my friends.” She said while reopened her bad memories.
Universitas Gadjah Mada was also taking role in handling this incident. Campus almost became evacuation camp. People who were evacuated from cangkringan, kali putih, and other villages surround Merapi were handled in some campus building and RSUP DR. Sardjito.
Today, surrounded merapi has been strengthened out in stages, although it is not well-arranged yet. People start thinking positively of their new lives, and the previous incident does not affect their activities.

Inorda Sofiehara and Dzurwatul Muna

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